
Zeng Yue (曾悦)


Associate Professor

Office: CST 2079



Google Scholar





I'm currently an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, led by Prof. Jinhui Tang, Prof. Gongxuan Zhang and Prof. Junlong Zhou. I received my Ph.D. degree in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, supervised by Prof. Baoliu Ye. I'm also a Research Assistant in the Computer Department of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, supervised by Prof. Song Guo, IEEE Fellow. I received my B.S. degree from Southwest University, supervised by Prof. Songtao Guo.

Yue Zeng received the Ph.D degree from Nanjing University. He is currently an associate professor in Nanjing University of Science and Technology. He has published more than a dozen papers in top journals and conferences, including IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Transactions on Cloud Computing and IEEE CVPR. His research interests include edge intelligence, deep reinforcement learning, machine learning training and inference, federated learning, and serverless computing.

Research Interests

    Edge Intelligence
    Federated Learning
    Model Training
    Model Inference
    Serverless Computing
    Reinforcement Learning


    2024.06: Congratulations, a new project is funded by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province!
    2024.06: Congratulations, a new paper has been accepted by COMNET 2024!
    2024.06: Congratulations, a new project is funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities!
    2024.06: Congratulations, a new project is funded by the National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology of Nanjing University!
    2024.04: Congratulations, hired as Associate Professor by Nanjing University of Science and Technology!
    2024.03: Congratulations, a new paper has been accepted by TNSM 2024!
    2023.12: Congratulations, a new paper has been accepted by COMNET 2023!
    2023.11: Congratulations, a new paper has been accepted by TMC 2023!
    2023.10: Congratulations, a new paper has been accepted by TC 2023!
    2023.07: Congratulations, a new paper has been accepted by ICA3PP 2023!
    2023.05: Congratulations, a new paper has been accepted by TSC 2023!
    2023.05: Congratulations, a new paper has been accepted by COMNET 2023!
    2023.03: Congratulations, a new paper has been accepted by CVPR 2023!
    2023.01: Congratulations, a new paper has been accepted by TCOM 2023!



  1. SafeDRL: Dynamic Microservice Provisioning with Reliability and Latency Guarantees.   CCF-A  
    Yue Zeng, Zhihao Qu, Song Guo, Baoliu Ye, Jie Zhang, Jing Li, Bin Tang.
    IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), 2024, 73(1): 235-248. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  2. RuleDRL: Reliability-Aware SFC Provisioning with Bounded Approximations in Dynamic Environments.   CCF-A  
    Yue Zeng, Zhihao Qu, Song Guo, Bin Tang, Baoliu Ye, Jing Li, Jie Zhang.
    IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), 2023, 16(5): 3651-3664. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  3. Mobility-aware Proactive Flow Setup in Software-Defined Mobile Edge Networks.   CCF-B  
    Yue Zeng, Baoliu Ye, Bin Tang, Sanglu Lu, Feng Xu, Song Guo, and Zhihao Qu.
    IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), 2023, 71(3): 1549-1563. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  4. Energy efficient Device Activation Rule Installation and Data Transmission in Software Defined DCNs.   CCF-C  
    Yue Zeng, Songtao Guo, and Guiyan Liu.
    IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), 2022, 10(1): 396-410. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  5. Scheduling Coflows of Multi stage Jobs under Network Resource Constraints.   CCF-B  
    Yue Zeng, Baoliu Ye, Bin Tang, Songtao Guo, and Zhihao Qu.
    Computer Networks (COMNET) , 2021, 184: 107686. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  6. Comprehensive Link Sharing Avoidance and Switch Aggregation for Software-Defined Data Center Networks.   CCF-C  
    Yue Zeng, Songtao Guo, and Guiyan Liu.
    Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 2019, 91: 25-36. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  7. RegionFilter: Region-aware Video Filtering Mechanism on Resource-constrained Edge Nodes.   CCF-B  
    Tao Chen, Yanlin Bu, Yue Zeng, Lei Xie, and Sanglu Lu.
    Computer Networks (COMNET), 2024, Early Access. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  8. ConViTML: A Convolutional Vision Transformer-based Meta-Learning Framework for Real-Time Edge Network Traffic Classification.   CCF-C  
    Lu Yang, Songtao Guo, Defang Liu, Yue Zeng, Xianlong Jiao, and Yuhao Zhou.
    IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2024, Early Access. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  9. Walking on Two Legs: Joint Service Placement and Computation Configuration for Provisioning Containerized Services at Edges.   CCF-B  
    Tuo Cao, Qinhui Wang, Yuhan Zhang, Zhuzhong Qian, Yue Zeng, Mingtao Ji, Hesheng Sun, and Baoliu Ye.
    Computer Networks (COMNET), 2024, 239: 110144. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  10. Digital Twin-Enabled Service Provisioning in Edge Computing via Continual Learning.   CCF-A  
    Jing Li, Song Guo, Weifa Liang, Jianping Wang, Quan Chen, Yue Zeng, Baoliu Ye, and Xiaohua Jia.
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2024, 23(6): 7335-7350. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  11. Traffic-aware Efficient Consistency Update in NFV-enabled Software Defined Networking.   CCF-B  
    Pan Li, Guiyan Liu, Songtao Guo, and Yue Zeng.
    Computer Networks (COMNET), 2023, 228: 109755. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  12. An Energy Fault and Consumption Optimization Strategy in Wireless Sensor Networks with Edge Computing.   CCF-None  
    Guozhi Li, Yan Tong, Ge Zhang, and Yue Zeng.
    Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2023, 97: 743-754. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  13. Forecasting Assisted VNF Scaling in NFV Enabled Networks.   CCF-B  
    Yifu Yao , Songtao Guo, Guiyan Liu, Pan Li, and Yue Zeng.
    Computer Networks (COMNET), 2020, 97: 743-754. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  14. Priority-based Online Flow Scheduling for Network Throughput Maximization in Software Defined Networking.   CCF-C  
    Liang Liu , Songtao Guo, Guiyan Liu, and Yue Zeng.
    Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), 2020, 97: 743-754. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  15. Fast Congestion free Consistent Flow Forwarding Rules Update in Software Defined Networking.   CCF-C  
    Pan Li, Songtao Guo, Chengsheng Pan, Li Yang, Guiyan Liu, and Yue Zeng.
    Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 2019, 97: 743-754. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  1. Joint ControllerPlacement and Flow Assignment in Software Defined Edge Networks.   CCF-C  
    Shunpeng Hua, Baoliu Ye, Yue Zeng, Zhihao Qu, Bin Tang
    International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP), 2023, 14491: 21-38. [Link][BIB][PDF]
  2. (ML)2P-Encoder: On Exploration of Channel-class Correlation for Multi-label Zero-shot Learning.   CCF-A  
    Ziming Liu, Song Guo, Xiaocheng Lu, Jingcai Guo, Jiewei Zhang, Yue Zeng, Fushuo Huo
    IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023, 23859-23868. [Link][BIB][PDF]

Academic Services

APC Member
  • SIGCOMM 2022
  • ICML 2024
  • ACM Computing Surveys
  • IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  • The Journal of Supercomputing
  • Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
  • IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society
  • CCF ICSS 2024
  • Telecommunication Systems

Team Members

    所属团队:分布式计算与体系结构研究所(Institute of Distributed Computing and Architecture)


  • 江苏省自然科学基金,青年基金,****技术研究,30924010817,20万元,2014.07-2026.06.
  • 中央高校基本科研业务费,基础研究专项,****技术研究,30924010817,10万元,2014.07-2026.06.
  • 南大软件新技术国家重点实验室,开放课题基金,****技术研究,KFKT2024B17,2万元,2014.06-2026.05.
  • 国家重点研发计划课题,科研行为数据可信溯源及隐私保护技术,384万元,2018.05-2021.04.
  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目,基于边缘计算的云端融合理论方法与关键技术研究,300万元,2019.01-2023.12.
  • 江苏省重点研发计划项目,面向新一代ICT体系架构的云计算支撑平台研发,120万元,2017.06-2020.06.
  • JW装备发展部预研项目,边缘智能服务XXX技术,360万元,2022.08-2024.07.
  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于虚拟化技术的软件定义数据中心网络架构及多播调度策略研究,68万元,2018.01-2021.12.